The Pros and Cons of Electric Motorcycles

The main advantages of purchasing Electric Motorcycles include low noise, low running costs, and being environmentally friendly. Read here.
Electric Motorcycles

Electric bikes are the most popular means of transportation worldwide and are enjoyable to ride if you enjoy motorbikes. Nevertheless, it has advantages and disadvantages that a rider must analyze before making a purchase, particularly now that electric motorcycles are making a solid comeback. Let’s examine the advantages and disadvantages of helping to decide what to purchase an electric bike. 

Pros of Buying An Electric Bike 

Pros of Buying An Electric Bike 

With continuously supplied, more powerful, and productive electric vehicles, the electric vehicle sector is steadily changing the auto industry. Let’s explore the advantages of the electric motorcycle. 

1. Fuel savings

You’ll spend far less on petrol because an electric motorcycle is entirely battery-powered. If you ride an electric motorcycle daily, your savings will build quickly.

To put things into perspective, electric bikes achieve the same mileage as their gasoline-powered equivalents while costing 15% less per liter of fuel. You may also charge your bike from home, saving travels to the gas station. 

2. Minimal maintenance 

The maintenance of electric bikes comes next on the list of benefits. Compared to ICE engines, electric motors are far more dependable. Because there are fewer moving parts and no oil changes, they require less maintenance. The battery must be constantly charged, the model must be cleaned, and regular replacement of flat tires is required. 

3. Environmentally Friendly 

It’s an advantage that electric motorcycles are less harmful to the environment than gas motorcycles. Less greenhouse gas emissions lessen air pollution and the harmful effects of global warming. However, compared to fuel-powered vehicles, electric vehicles are generally less harmful to the environment. 

4. Safer than Gas Motorcycles 

Many safety measures on electric motorcycles provide riders of all ages a sense of security. You won’t need to learn how to use a clutch or change gears, and you won’t need to worry about oil or petrol. Driving one also requires far less physical work. 

Cons of Buying An Electric Bike

Cons of Buying An Electric Bike

1. Battery Life & Range 

Electric batteries should be replaced when they get damaged or stop providing a respectable range. Batteries typically last a year and range in price from Rs. 13,000 to 20,000, depending on the rating, brand, quality, and warranties. The distance an electric bike can travel on a single charge is called its range.

The top electric bike models typically have a range of 100 kilometers. Additionally, having a battery reduces the range. It won’t be an exceptional choice for long-distance travel because it takes 5 hours to recharge the battery. 

2. Cost More than Gas-motorcycles

Electric bikes’ high electricity costs are one of their most significant drawbacks. You can be sure your electric bill will increase as a result. Moreover, battery replacement is expensive. 

3. Infrastructure & Power 

There are charging facilities every few kilometers in many developed countries where electric vehicles are the norm. People can stop and charge their electric motorcycles at charging stations. However, some countries need such infrastructure, making it nearly impossible to take a long trip with one of your electric vehicles.

When electric bikes were introduced a while ago, they had little power and couldn’t be driven very quickly. Finally, faster electric motorcycles have been introduced, but they still need to match fuel-operated bikes. 

4. Repair and maintenance 

As one of the e-bikes’ drawbacks due to the shortage of service facilities or dealers for replacement parts, repairs might be problematic. Repair services will, however, advance and become more widely available as electric vehicles gain more popularity. 


Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing an electric bike, you can make an informed decision. Based on the benefits and drawbacks of each, you will have to decide which kind of bike is best for you. Whichever option you select, be sure to drive safely, wear safety equipment, and pay attention to all the traffic around you.


How long do electric motorbikes last?

E-bikes survive about ten years on average. Depending on the kind of bike you have and how you use it, that figure may be more significant or lower. Your e-bike can survive for over a decade if you take good care of it.

Do electric bikes need a lot of maintenance?

For everyday travelers, motorcyclists, and higher mileage eBikes, comprehensive maintenance procedures are advised at least once yearly. You should go to the store every six to nine months if you frequently keep your bike outside or hardly ever wash it after a long ride.

How long do electric motorcycles take to charge?

Fully discharged lithium-ion e-bike batteries require 3.5 to 6 hours to recharge. Batteries that are partially charged when the charging process begins will take less time.