How to Prevent Fires in Electric Vehicles?

Prevent Fires in Electric Vehicles

 With nearly a new product being introduced every week, the market for electric vehicles is exploding like never before. Although ICE vehicles are far less expensive and safer than electric vehicles, the core causes of vehicles catching fire need to be investigated.

The majority of battery failures, aside from technical issues and manufacturing flaws, can be linked to individual carelessness and a failure to take reasonable safeguards. Most EV battery fires happen when the battery is punctured or destroyed.

This blog will tell you how to prevent fires in electric vehicles.

What Causes Electric Vehicle Fire?

 1. Faulty manufacturing

One of the leading causes of vehicle fires is a manufacturing defect. These days, many businesses are introducing e-bikes and providing various discounts. These vehicles’ internal parts and components are of poor quality and are inexpensive.

So as soon as the bike starts to accelerate, they start to fail. Severe fires can start due to a combination of internal flaws and failures.

Minor components, like the nuts and bolts, are just as critical as the larger, more noticeable pieces, like the engine and battery pack. Unfortunately, the manufacturers don’t take this seriously, which leads to these accidents.

2. Excessive heating

An EV typically catches fire because of excessive heating. The electric vehicle’s battery heats up, and when that heat interacts with leaked petrol, the battery catches fire. And since India’s climate is often hot, such fire events occur frequently. Avoiding your EV’s battery from overheating is a smart approach to fix this issue.

3. Rough handling

Lastly, an EV that is handled roughly will quickly fail. If you don’t clean the bike, grease, and dust will build up on the internal components, which could start a fire. If you don’t service the bike on time, internal problems could develop and go undetected.

In the future, a fire will result from this. Additionally, you run a higher risk of starting a fire when you drive your EV roughly. The heat will build up, and your vehicle could catch fire if you drive too fast, brake frequently, or clutch too hard.

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How to avoid Electric Vehicles fire?

How to avoid Electric Vehicles fire

1. Invest in a good vehicle

The best way to prevent fires in electric vehicles is to do this. As was already noted, there are many companies in the EV industry today, and some of them are launching goods with doubtful research and testing to remain ahead of the competition.

Additionally, some manufacturers are selling their vehicles for substantially less money. Choose your EV wisely, and purchase it from a reputable and reliable motor manufacturer. Avoid purchasing a car or bike only based on price, as the cheapest option is rarely the best option.

2. Store the Electric Vehicle in a cool, dry place

Avoid leaving your EV in a hot environment or parking it there to prevent fires in electric vehicles. If the electric vehicle is not used, park it in a garage or another cool, dry location. Utilizing a battery cooling system is crucial for maintaining the battery’s lifespan. The batteries’ cleanliness should also be considered, and one should always ensure that the battery is clear of dust and debris.

3. Drive at a consistent speed

The battery is under a lot of strain when you drive wildly and brake and accelerate frequently. It gets extremely hot, which can set off sparks. A fire might start in addition to the engine’s smoke by producing a lot of sparks and heat. So, maintain a consistent speed to prevent fires in electric vehicles.

4. Know the signs of the battery

Keep an eye on the state of your battery. Avoid letting your battery reach extremes because doing so can increase the fire likelihood. It’s essential to monitor the battery’s physical health daily. A fire is probably already in progress if you notice any sparks or smoke emerging from your electric vehicle’s battery. The battery could have been overcharged or over-drained. Thus it’s critical to unplug the electric vehicle as soon as it has finished charging.

5. Service it regularly

To make sure there are no internal problems, service your bike frequently. If there is a minor issue, the mechanic can identify it early on and stop it from growing into a larger issue and starting a fire. Numerous accidents occur as a result of people ignoring minor concerns and allowing them to grow into larger problems.

Your electric bike will remain secure if you follow these basic rules, and you won’t need to worry about too many fire problems. However, take the bike to the closest mechanic and have it checked if you detect any issues or strange behavior.


There are numerous causes of EV fires. Knowing these causes will enable you to be aware of them and prevent fires in electric vehicles. Additionally, keep in mind the above advice and take good care of your vehicles.


Is an electric vehicle safe in hot weather?

Because the batteries and motors in electric automobiles are so effective, very little heat is produced. It means that it is simpler to keep an electric car’s inside cool in hot weather.

How do electric vehicles get hot?

Heat is produced by the electric motors that power electric vehicles. However, they don’t produce as much heat as car batteries. Heat is produced when an electric battery is charged or discharged.